Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Plastic Surgery Debate

I don’t support or condone plastic surgery; people can do with their bodies what they please. My take on the whole matter is that its becoming an epidemic in this country; being spurred on by the publicity given to people on reality tv shows and on internet websites. This very clear when you look at the numbers, in 1948 there were 300 board cert. plastic surgeons, today there are over 4000 in the US; and in 2004 there were 12 millions cosmetic surgery operations.

Again I have no real sway to either side, I don’t think that its something that people should have I think that doctors could better use their time helping the sick or victims of accidents crimes or fires but then again people work to make money so they can spend it as the please, and if that’s what makes them happen who am I to say that they should not partake.

1 comment:

KaidaFire said...

my thoughts exactly.. we are free to think and choose as we desire. it's just important for us to retain our consciousness and awareness in the thoughts and actions we put forth into the universe.