Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Manson's "Posthuman"

I was just sitting here trying to write this paper when itunes throws an old song at me that fits perfectly to our class discussions. Marilyn Manson's "Posthuman". Now i let the song play through and then played it again and listened carefully. Listened to the lyrics and tried to interpret what they meant and what he was trying to say.
this isnt god
this isnt god
god is just a statistic
what does this mean, what is the underlying message to the song. The way i took it was that god is dead to modern society. God is no longer the force which governs our life, he is just a statistic. Now weve always been told the god created man in his own image, so if god is dead then what does that make us. God created "man" in his image so everyone born post downfall of religion is not truly "human" they are "posthuman".

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